Proselytizing can be debated. Is it a generous sharing? Or is it a way of devaluing someone else’s beliefs and experiences?

Coercion, on the other hand, especially when applied to religion, is clearly wrong.

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I feel more and more that this comes down to relationship. If you don't build relationships with people and share your beliefs in good faith then you are causing more harm than good. People cannot be coerced into belief. It is dishonest and ineffective.

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"Jesus never asked that I fly a flag and daily pledge allegiance to my faith. He asked me to profess my faith through my words and deeds in the way that I interact with others."

Beautifully written. I couldn't agree more!

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I just wish more people saw their faith that way.

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This is amazing. I am printing it out so I can keep it for reference.

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Thank you. I feel it deep in my soul.

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Thank you for these powerful words, I’ve been coming to this same conclusion but having a hard time putting it to words. Ready to embrace political homelessness with you!

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I'm becoming more comfortable with it ❤️

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Well said.

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Thank you!

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Great post Sarah! Well said!

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Thank you!

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