Congrats Sarah! And thanks for linking to my newsletter and book.

Running should always be more process-oriented than outcome-oriented, for health & longevity, and it sounds like you’ve discovered the benefits of consistent running over months and years, which ultimately matters more than any one race. But running the race is a great celebration, like icing on a cake that you baked through all the hard training. Keep it up!

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I plan on it. I have to get off of my butt now after writing and go for a six-miler 😉

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Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful - congratulations on such a fabulous achievement, Sarah!

I used to run - well, for a short time which started in my early forties - but I haven't run at all for a few years now. I hear you about the black toenails - I too had to upsize running shoes for exactly that reason. And in training for my first - in fact my never - half-marathon I stress-fractured my foot during my reckless training, and I was so frustrated that I gave up after that!

I'm so tempted now to start again, though, having read this post. And the fabulous Julie at Run to Write (in your link) is always so very encouraging that pretty soon I'll have no excuse to lace up my running shoes again! I'll start slow, though - no half marathons for me!

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Ha! It took me seven years of running to consider it. But there were much older people running with me and kicking my butt. You can do it!

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Oh Rebecca! I can't wait to hear all about it. :) Slow and steady...You got what it takes.

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Well done. What a fantastic achievement x

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Thank you! I'm proud of it.

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Congrats!!! 🙌

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Thank you!

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Kudos on the race!

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YES!! Love everything about this post Sarah. A huge congratulations and what an achievement! What an amazing role model for your children as well...keep lacing up those sneakers. :) And an extra thank you for the shout out. You are so generous and can't wait to get your book!

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I'm loving that Substack is giving me such great connections ❤️ Your book is now on my Kindle and I'll have to slowly work through it (after I finish re-reading Beth Moore's memoir).

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Thank you Sarah! Me too...I'm just starting Choosing to Run by Des Linden but yours will be next. Thank you so much.

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I would also highly recommend Born to Run! Inspirational and historical.

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Hi Laura! Yes I read that book too. So good. :) Thank you

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Ahh jeez- I guess if you write ‘run to write’ you’ve probably heard of it! 😂 I’m very appreciative of the title for getting me in more minimalist footwear.

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