You've written the words of my heart.

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It was a long writing process.

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Great piece! Fellow 40-something here, and I do not want to re-live culture wars either. You display much wisdom in your words.

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Trying so hard to do better by my kids.

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Really enjoyed this one.

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Thank you.

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There are a ton of tangles as you've pointed out. Too often, what you find is the Psychology of Religion NOT the faith of Theology. We've also lost the nuance of politics where we must be ONE THING at all levels (hint, I'm a socialist, anarchist, democrat, republican, and libertarian at different levels)

I too struggled with what you did until I realized it wasn't about a specific theism, but the overall psychology of religion.


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I love the word nuance. And yes, we need to be allowed to be more than one thing.

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Lovely article, Sarah. All that is done in the name of Christianity is not representative of the intention of the faith itself or the people who live it. I tend to agree that the world needs Jesus, even as someone who no longer identifies as a Christian. Because we find Jesus in all faiths. ( not literally speaking) we find someone preaching and showing by example a better way to live in every major world religion. I tend to say, one God, many faces. Or as a local Quaker pastor I respect recently started a prayer, “God, by whatever name we call you, “

I think the world needs God, however they find their God, especially at this moment. Whether in science, in nature, in Judaism or Islam or Baha’i or in the eyes of their dog, we seem to have lost our way, and lost each other.

I deeply appreciate this article, and like all of your work, it was a joy to read.

Have you ever read Barbara Brown Taylor?

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And I think you would really like Soul Boom. I highly recommend it.

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It’s now on my “to-read” list!

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Thank you for your kind words. And I have one of her books sitting on my "to-read" shelf, ha!

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I am a Christian but I don’t condemn the behavior of ex-Presidents who are also sinners thinking he is an abomination and going to hell. However I do completely agree that Christians certainly need to authentically live out our faith every day. Scripture says “do not conform to the pattern of this world”. Remaining silent is a form of conformity, at least thats what woke ideology demands. I will love my neighbor but I will not remain silent for their sake. LBGTQ is unnatural and dangerous. Christians should not be quoting Jesus while also ignoring what His Father said in Genesis 2 concerning men and women.

We love the sinner but hate the sin, just like Jesus did. Remember when He said to the prostitute “Your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more”. Let us endeavor to quote Scripture in context.

Let the arrows fly.

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I'm not going to shoot arrows. I understand where you are coming from because it's the same position of a lot of people I love. I've spent my whole life listening to mostly one side of the debate, but when we have people close to us (students, family, friends) who are part of a marginalized group that is vilified for just being, we start to see that it's far more complicated than we originally thought. I've decided to take a position of listening, for the time being, and understanding. "Woke" has become a derogatory term that denies the majority experiences of people of color and other marginalized communities. It's takes great humility to just listen to what they have to say about how they experience the world differently. I highly recommend the work of Bridget Eileen Rivera as a starting point. I just finished her book and it is an excellent introduction to the spiritual harm that has been done to our queer brothers and sisters in Christ: https://www.amazon.com/Heavy-Burdens-Christians-Experience-Church/dp/1587434830/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2HYOV5IJ65UJ6&keywords=heavy+burdens+bridget+eileen+rivera&qid=1688742479&sprefix=heavy+burden%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1

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Sarah, I agree that listening is vital. Bless you for doing so. I am praying they listen to you as well.

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