Yeah, I try really hard to keep a paper planner so that I can write stuff out FAR in advance but I do it in pencil so that I can change as I go. Then I cross things off as I finish them, with the understanding that I might need to 1) revise and 2) change the dates if things come up and I need to post something more timely.
Yeah, I try really hard to keep a paper planner so that I can write stuff out FAR in advance but I do it in pencil so that I can change as I go. Then I cross things off as I finish them, with the understanding that I might need to 1) revise and 2) change the dates if things come up and I need to post something more timely.
I like and need the accomplishment of being able to cross items off of a list. When I don't have a list or I'm too busy to even make a list, I fall apart!
I can't write out most of my work by hand because I want to be able to write as fast as I can think. But the paper planner is important to me now because it is so satisfying to have it written down and checked off. Plus, it holds me more accountable.
Yeah, I try really hard to keep a paper planner so that I can write stuff out FAR in advance but I do it in pencil so that I can change as I go. Then I cross things off as I finish them, with the understanding that I might need to 1) revise and 2) change the dates if things come up and I need to post something more timely.
The discipline to keep a paper planner is impressive. I can’t seem to get back to pen and paper.
I like and need the accomplishment of being able to cross items off of a list. When I don't have a list or I'm too busy to even make a list, I fall apart!
I can't write out most of my work by hand because I want to be able to write as fast as I can think. But the paper planner is important to me now because it is so satisfying to have it written down and checked off. Plus, it holds me more accountable.