Beautifully written…I’ll be holding my breath until Election Day

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I might be doing the same. I vacillate between being hopeful and excited and just wanting to go vote and hide until it’s over.

But today I’m going to visit the booth for our county Democrats and find out what I can do to help get our Democratic governor candidate elected. Because that is something that will make an immediate difference in my red voting state.

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This is beautiful and powerful. Thank you for sharing your vision for America. It lines up with those of us who believe in the possibility of our country. Despite, or maybe because of, our individual differences, we are more alike than different (in the ways that count). I celebrate the possibilities of a future focused on lifting people up rather than beating them down.

I have hope.

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Thank you. I voted for the possibility of hope four years ago. This year I have genuine hope for the future.

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Beautifully written and well said.

I watch American politics with huge interest and truly hope that Kamala Harris wins in November. It is so interesting how she has many Republicans among her allies. Another victory for the demented man-child would be awful not just for America but for the rest of the world too. But I also think we need to look at why people see him as their salvation and try and address those issues.

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Thank you ❤️

We have issues we need to address and a long road ahead. But MAGA has to be completely defeated so we can honestly and effectively address those issues. We so need two healthy parties, but right now we only have one. That is not sustainable.

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So true. The Republican party has sold its soul to Trump. Even though I know there are many in the party who don't like him, I heard the other day that if Trump loses, the person the party would like as their leader is Tucker Carlson. So the dark days are not over, yet.

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Nope, it's going to take several cycles, so the fight won't be over in November.

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Our timelines match up almost identically, with our votes and our children's ages, so these words truly hit home for me. Thank you for sharing.

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Sometimes I want to run away from the Internet. Other times, I find the people who share my lived experience. And that's why I keep writing.

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Such a beautiful piece, an excellent perspective and insight.

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Thank you. When my daughter said that during the convention is really stuck with me. And I’m glad she saw it that way.

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