In Writing the Journey, I write about writing. I share my travel and personal experiences through writing in a lot of contexts, but I also strive to achieve more as a writer. This is where I reflect on that process.
As a lifelong Lutheran Christian, Advent has always played an important role in my preparation for Christmas. In 2020, while the world raged around us with the start of a global pandemic that is still plaguing us and the turmoil in our political system, I decided to join an Advent photo challenge with some fellow writers. At a time when it felt like the world was upside down (and still does), writing a daily post focused on a word and a corresponding picture helped me to focus on the reason for the Christmas season and put some of my own concerns to the side.
Last year I struggled to find a similar challenge and so gave up the practice, but this year I decided I was going to do it no matter what. It was good practice and even if I have to do two on a single day to make up for lost time, I wanted to get back into the practice of reflection and preparation that didn’t involve decorating and grading papers.
I found a handful of challenges online but didn’t love any of them, so this year I created my own Advent photo challenge and I invite you to join me. I will be using the following photo as my guide and posting it along with a new photo every day and a reflection over that photo.
I will be posting a daily photo to my Instagram ( and Facebook page ( and if you also celebrate Advent, I invite you to do the same. If you are a fellow writer on IG and you would like me to tag you in my posts, let me know in the comments below.
Needless to say, this is where my writing journey is going to be taking me in the month of December. We’ll be back to new, regularly scheduled posts in January.
Please “like” by clicking on the ❤ and share this post with your friends so that others can join me on the journey.
Great idea!!!
Good Luck with your idea. I know someone I will share this with. Good Tidings.